SMC / Chubb Australia Re-Certified A1-R1A its new monitoring centre at Rydalmere in Sydney
By SMC | 3rd August 2023
Chubb Australia Re-Certified A1-R1A – Chubb Monitoring Centre is redundant to Chubb Australia’s re-certified SMC, making these the only control rooms in Australia that meet the A1-R1A standard. (ASIAL)
The Monitoring Centre at Rydalmere is also one of the first control rooms in Australia to achieve A1 grading to the new AS2201.2.2022 standards.
“With the changes to AS2201.2.2022, there are a number of improvements to the standard including heightened security, in particular cyber and physical construction of the facility,” said Joshua Simmons, managing director of SMC Monitoring Solutions.
“Having regraded Chubb and SMC to A1-R1A, we are now working to uplift SMC from AS2201.2.2004 to AS2002.2.2022 as well,” Simmons said.
“In order to provide best in class solutions for our customers, we continue to invest in our people, infrastructure and facilities as well as introducing new products and services to meet the everchanging needs of our Australian and New Zealand customer base.
SMC and Chubb have a continuous improvement approach to raising service delivery. In 2022 the company achieved an overall ASIAL compliance level of 97.6 per cent and handled around 7 million combined events and phone calls.
“Our response teams, supported by some of the best technical and operations systems leaders in the industry, allow us to continue to deliver best in class service and solutions for our customers both large and small,” said Daniel Lawson – general manager customer service, operations and monitoring at Security Monitoring Centres Australasia.