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A complete, scalable security and safety solution that combines CriticalArc’s award-winning cloud-based software service and SMC’s state-of-the-art monitoring centres. Developed in Australia in 2012, Safezone now has over 2 million active customers across 80 countries.
This all-in-one emergency and security management solution helps security teams to streamline and strengthen their capacity to respond to incidents, optimize outcomes, fulfil the duty of care, and mitigate risks. In addition, the customer can use the same system to support lone worker safety, personal alarms, and travelling staff and introduce a new level of engagement with those they support.
Key Features:
One of the key drivers to SafeZone’s success is the ability to reduce capital costs by introducing affordable and flexible wearable options. Safezone offers two different options to enable a duress trigger.
Option 1 is the V.ALRT wireless duress button which can be attached to a keyring, a lanyard, or even worn on the person.
Option 2 is via an Apple Watch. Both solutions enable the users to discreetly raise an alert while providing SMC with the location and identity of the person in duress.
Offering many other advanced features like satellite device integration, mass notification, and incident playback SafeZone can become a valuable tool for security installers in Australia and New Zealand.
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